
Welcome to the FAQ, where you'll find answers to most if not all of your questions regarding our website and company.

Here are some commonly asked questions and their answers:

How Do I Contact Flightstolondon.ORG?

The quickest way to get answers, is that you visit the Customer Service page. The page virtually answers all the typical questions which you might have. In the same page, you'll find an Ask a Question form. This form allows you to type your specific query or request pertaining to your booking, reservation and general queries. Our reservation specialists, will efficiently answer your query, based on the type of question (booking, reservation and general queries) you may have. Our dedicated agents will assuredly answer the question(s) you've sent us and start working on the issue bothering you, typically within an hour. However, it is subject to time sensitivity i.e. its importance. In case you have an emergency requirement for your travel or are not being able to use the Ask a Question form, you can either call us at 1800-953-8509 or can mail us at [email protected].

Who Can I Turn To, For Help, While I'm traveling?

Once you've begun your journey, you should get in touch with either, the Airline or the service provider whether you're in the city or the country where you live. So that it may be of convenience to you, we are providing a link to direct you to the contact numbers of the major airlines. Click Here

Does Flightstolondon.ORG Offer Consolidator Fare

Yes it does. However, they are labeled “Special Fares”.

How Long Will It Take For Me To Receive My Tickets?

as soon as we ticket your reservation, we email the e-tickets. This, we do usually within an hour. Usually, we process emergency/urgent departure reservations earlier than the non-urgent ones. We request allow us at least 8 business hours for us to issue your ticket, before you contact us for assistance; unless your ticket requirement is really urgent.

How Can I Request For A Special Meal For My Flight?

Nowadays, most airlines charge for in-flight meals. When you purchase tickets online, our site has an option clicking on which you can place a meal request.. However, you may also call the airline directly. Special meal requests has to be placed, for at least 24-hours before your scheduled departure. These requests aren't guaranteed though and are dependent on the discretion of the particular airline.

Disclaimer: www.flightstolondon.org provides the online ticket bookings services of various airlines to consumers who visit the website for these services. Flightstolondon.org do not have the administrator rights for any of the airlines services and we are not responsible for any type of Cancellation charges by any airlines, if there will be any type of such charges, would be imposed on the confirmation time of the ticket booking. If you are using the services of flightstolondon.org, you are agreed to the Terms & Conditions of the website. The lowest price found for the flight tickets may not available for flights to all cities or for all the dates. There can be Taxes and additional fees may apply. The information and all the services of this Site are provided to consumers for informational purposes only. flightstolondon.org makes no warranties that this Site will be suitable for your needs, is reliable, or free from errors or typographical mistakes. The website disclaims all warranties for a particular purpose of the rights of others. flightstolondon.org does not warrant that this website will be completely free from the errors or viruses or other destructive code. You can read all the terms and conditions before using the services.

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